
Interview with Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, AI4CCAM Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board
To complement the AI4CCAM consortium with a wider view and receive feedback and support on the project activities and developments, a long-term Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB) has been created, including CCAM experts and operators, public administrations and authorities, policy-makers and regulators, big industrial players, and associations. The ESAB...[more]
Interview with Margriet van Schijndel, AI4CCAM Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board
To complement the AI4CCAM consortium with a wider view and receive feedback and support on the project activities and developments, a long-term Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB) has been created, including CCAM experts and operators, public administrations and authorities, policy-makers and regulators, big industrial players, and associations. The ESAB...[more]
Interview with Jerome Perrin, AI4CCAM Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board
To complement the AI4CCAM consortium with a wider view and receive feedback and support on the project activities and developments, a long-term Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB) has been created, including CCAM experts and operators, public administrations and authorities, policy-makers and regulators, big industrial players, and associations. The ESAB...[more]
Successful Planning Workshop Sets Stage for UC3 Execution in VR Experimentation applied to CAV’s acceptance by VRUs
Following a dynamic and productive planning workshop held on 12th April 2024 at TTS Italia premises, the team behind the AI4CCAM’s Use Case 3 (UC3) are thrilled to announce significant progress towards the execution phase. The purpose of UC3 is to assess the degree of Vulnerable Road Users’ acceptance of...[more]
Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property” – 18 April 2024
Intellectual property helps drive innovation and growth by bringing in financial returns, raising brand awareness and ensuring business growth. You can rely on intellectual property to increase productivity, earn licensing fees and even receive royalties. Patents help create a monopoly and provide protection to your business by preventing others from...[more]
AI4CCAM Stakeholders Forum – Workshop: Trustworthy AI for automated vehicles: Navigating Ethics, User Perception, and Cybersecurity
We are happy to invite you to the AI4CCAM Stakeholders Forum Workshop, where industry experts, policymakers, cybersecurity specialists, and representatives of Vulnerable Road Users can come together to discuss about the topic of AI in Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM). This workshop is for anyone wishing to explore and...[more]
European Commission launches survey to identify key R&I challenges and priorities in the areas of clean energy and mobility
Monday 8 April 2024, the Clean Planet Directorate of DG R&I launched a survey to seek the views of dedicated stakeholders on longer-term R&I challenges and priorities in the areas of clean energy and mobility. The survey’s findings will contribute to a reflection paper prepared by independent external experts that...[more]
Meet AI4CCAM at TRA 2024!
AI4CCAM will be attending the TRA - Transport Research Arena 2024, 15-18 April in Dublin, Ireland. This event gathers individuals and organisations in the shared pursuit of knowledge and innovation in the field of transportation and mobility. TRA aims to foster an environment where ideas flourish, discussions thrive, and connections...[more]
1 year of AI4CCAM: watch the video!
AI4CCAM recently celebrated its first year of activity! A lot has happened between the Kick Off meeting in Oslo in January 2023, and today: General assemblies, scientific webinars, Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board meetings, participation in events, progresses and first results within the technical project activities, such as the Use...[more]