
Meet AI4CCAM at TRA 2024!
— 8 April 2024

AI4CCAM will be attending the TRA – Transport Research Arena 2024, 15-18 April in Dublin, Ireland.

This event gathers individuals and organisations in the shared pursuit of knowledge and innovation in the field of transportation and mobility. TRA aims to foster an environment where ideas flourish, discussions thrive, and connections are forged, solutions emerge, and the seeds of future breakthroughs are planted. TRA2024 will provide a shared opportunity to push the boundaries of what we know and to chart new territories in transport research.

The vast array of presentations, workshops and discussions curated for this conference demonstrates the value and impact of the research being conducted globally. TRA will explore the full spectrum of issues that define the transport landscape across the road, rail, aviation, water and cross-logistics industries. The focus will be on: Safe and inclusive transport; Sustainable mobility of people and goods; Efficient and resilient systems; Collaborative digitalisation.

You can meet AI4CCAM at booth number 12, being part of the ALICE Innovation Village.

AI4CCAM will be also presenting the paper “Trustworthy Automated Driving through Qualitative Scene Understanding and Explanations“, on Tuesday, Apr 16 (5:45 PM – 6:45 PM, Hall 6 – Clyde Room), with Nassim Belmecheri, Simula Research Laboratory.

Find out more on TRA and let’s meet there!

Within TRA, also EUCAD is taking place, you can meet AI4CCAM there too!

The Symposium is organised by the FAME initiative and supported by the European Commission Directorate General for Research & Innovation (RTD) as well as the CCAM Partnership. It is targeted at public and private stakeholders in road transport, interested in exchanging views on immediate next steps and future actions required for connected and automated mobility. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn more about European Research & Innovation activities on CCAM.

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