
AI4CCAM ESAB new meeting!
— 12 March 2024

On 11 March, the AI4CCAM Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB) held its second meeting, in Paris.

The ESAB is led by Prof. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Professor of Computer Science at Sorbonne University. The ESAB also involves Margriet Van Schijndel-de Nooij, Program director Responsible Mobility bij Technische Universiteit Eindhoven; and Jerome Perrin, Recherche scientifique et développement industriel dans les domaines énergie, environnement, mobilité – Associations caritatives – Ethique et Théologie.

The scope of the Advisory Board is to maintain an accurate body of knowledge on AI in CCAM operations, enabling the continuous consideration and analysis of ethical aspects and also facilitating interactions with relevant associations and policy-makers.

The meeting started with a presentation of the follow-up actions on the ESAB initial recommendations, then the main focus was on AI4CCAM methodology and its application to the three use cases of the project. A first presentation was given by Simula, the project coordinator, then followed by three more presentations by project members on the AI4CCAM methodology for Trustworthy AI in CCAM, Use Case Experimentation and Evaluation and AI ethical risks in CCAM.

The ESAB reported to be very satisfied with the project activities, including communication and dissemination towards the CCAM community. Before ending the meeting, the board also provided the coordination team with recommendation to connect with other relevant initiatives in the CCAM sphere.

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