
AI4CCAM ESAB first meeting!
— 19 September 2023

On Monday, the 18th September, 2023, the AI4CCAM Ethical and Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB) held its first meeting from 12:00 to 17:15.

The ESAB is led by Prof. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Professor of Computer Science at Sorbonne University. The ESAB also involves Margriet Van Schijndel-de Nooij, Program director Responsible Mobility bij Technische Universiteit Eindhoven; and Jerome Perrin, Recherche scientifique et développement industriel dans les domaines énergie, environnement, mobilité – Associations caritatives – Ethique et Théologie.

The scope of the Advisory Board is to maintain an accurate body of knowledge on AI in CCAM operations, enabling the continuous consideration and analysis of ethical aspects and also facilitating interactions with relevant associations and policy-makers.

The meeting took place in the centre of Paris and triggered interesting discussions in between the Coordination Team (CT) and the ESAB members. The CT was represented by: Louise Boland and Arnaud Gotlieb, Simula Research Laboratoty; Marc Eynaud, BVA group; Loic Cantat, SystemX.

Especially, the ESAB provided recommendations of three specific questions raised by the CT:

  • How can we maximize AI4CCAM impacts (Scientific, Societal, Industrial)?
  • How to better liaise with the CCAM Ecosystem?
  • What is a human-readable explanation for AD scene?

A follow-up progress report is expected on these and other questions that were raised by the ESAB members.

The next meeting will be held in March 2024.

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