
AI4CCAM at the ADAS&Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo 2023 event

AI4CCAM, represented by its partner Deepsafety, will be attending the ADAS&Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo 2023 event, held in Stuttgart, Germany on 13, 14 and 15 June.
Over 120 expert speakers will be discussing the key topics concerning the development and test of safe autonomous driving and ADAS technologies; including software, AI and deep learning, sensor fusion, virtual environments, verification and validation of autonomous systems, testing and development tools and technologies, real-world word test and deployment, and standards and regulations.
Deepsafety, with Ralph Meyfarth, will give a talk on 14 June on “Safe perception AI by detection of unknown Unknowns”: deep learning AI has triggered the first revolution in autonomous driving. The breakthrough on the mass market is currently prevented by the fact that this technology is inherently uncertain. Modern deep learning models hit a reliability limit of about 95 percent because of the unknowns. Given an unknown input, the output of a deep learning model is undefined. We have developed a very efficient new methodology to detect the unknowns based on uncertainty in real-time. With our approach, we can develop safety proofs and enable certification/homologation of autonomous vehicles without driving billions of kilometers.
For more information on the event, click here